Finally, on the couch!!!


Look at me, up on the couch, all on my own!!!
I did it !!!

Fenway here, I had to show off, so when mommy turned her back, up I went!!  weeeee!! look at me now.

So its official, he is doing everything he did prior to the surgery, other than running off into the woods, on his own.  And that will never happen again!!!

He is a champ!!!!

Also, I figured i would include the picture of the article, that helped us make the decision for the amputation, it was in DogFancy, october 2012, page 10.

the great article.


1 month ampuversary!

I can not believe its already been a month!!

It seems like just a couple weeks ago, and we were just starting this new journey.

Other than a few bumps in the road, he has been a champ.  I am in awe of him, and his strength, his stamina, and his abilities.  He amazes me every day, and for this I am so gratetful.

Gratetful that I found friends on the tripawd community, to help me through the rought spots.  That here, I also found vitamins, diet advice for him, and even a harness that works like a charm!!  Where would I be without all of you to help?????   Lost I am sure 🙁

Grateful that when he had “issues” I had answers.

So this one month ampuversary is all about being grateful.

Thank you all, so very much, for all you do.   I know I have said before, I was lost until I found the article in DogFancy about Tripawd community.  Now, I have a group of online friends, who have been through the same situation, and are willing to help out, no matter what, when or where!!!


From the bottom of my little heart 🙂

Mama Sue


Big Sigh Of Relief!!!

Off to the vet we go. Its a sunday drive, but a little different this time.

The vet called, and we went to see her, to have Fenway checked out.  Even though the pain medicine was making him seem a little better, I knew there was still something off about him.  His ears were warm, and he was drinking a lot of water.

She ran a blood test and it came back with a very high white blood cell count. His temperature was high, and the area, where the limb was removed, was very warm, and red.  Diagnosis = Infection.

Fenny chilling at the vet (Macy and Daddy close by to supervise)

Clavamox for the infection. Tramadol for the discomfort =  sleepy Fenny.

Needless to say, he will not be going to the grocery store with me this afternoon.  Instead he will be resting.


Thank Goodness he will be ok.  Mommy doesnt like when the kids are sick .


Golden hugs and kisses

Fenway, Macy and Mama Sue





Day 25 and 26 and we have run into a few problems.


Last night Fenway seemed very uncomfortable, and was panting quite a bit.
He was fine most of the day, and it wasnt until he came in for the night, that he changed.  He paced, and turned, and paced, and turned, until finally we contacted the vet.  She suggested we  gave him a few tramadol.  This seemed to help, and he slept pretty well.


This morning, he seems a little off.  Tail is held low, and he is having difficulty getting comfortable, and seems to be moving slower than usual. The panting has stopped, but we noticed some bruising on his under carriage, so a phone call to the vet was made.  (Mind you, he still ate and drank, and even pottied) but there is definitely something different about him.


We will be taking him in for some blood work, and a physical exam.  Praying he is going to be ok.


If you have time, could you send up a prayer for my boy??


Fenway and Mama Sue


3 weeks, and going strong.

3 weeks ago, we brought Fenway home from the hospital.

Its been an emotional 3 weeks, filled with fear, anxiety, excitement, amazement,  happiness, and today it’s sleepiness.

It’s a rainy, cloudy kind of day, so we are all hanging out inside, just like we have always done on these kinds of days.

3 weeks, and he has grown so very strong.  I am astounded by the change in him in such a short time. His muscles are huge.  His stamina is improved so much.  He manuevers the house like a champ.  Stairs, no problem.  Slippery floors, no problem.  Hills, no problem.  Crazy sister, no problem.

His fur is growing back nicely.  And his wound is healed beautifully.  Almost nothing to see. 🙂

Also, its been a week since his first chemotherapy treatment, and still no stomach issues (fingers crossed it stays this way) .

Until his next vet visit, we are just staying steady.

Golden kisses, and Fenny hugs to you all.


Fen and Mama Sue



Out for a Sunday drive….weeeeeeee!


look at me go!!!! riding, and having a great time!!!


out for a sunday drive!!!

Day 19 proved to be an eventful day!!

First, Fenway took his longest walk since his surgery (without stopping.)  Then, he stayed outside for the entire morning, watching daddy work on the lawn.  He was so content.
Once a month, I take the dog blankets and beds to the laundromat, and yesterday was the day.  When I went to the truck, Fenway seemed interested, but he didnt come over, and didnt try to get in, so off I went.   Half way down the driveway, I stopped to talk to David, and bring him some water, and then I saw him….in the rear view mirror…..He was running down the diveway after the truck!!!!!   I got out, and hugged him.  He looked so cute! and so strong!  (Unfortunately, the laundromat isnt a place to take him, so I left and promised to take him out later.)

After their beds were cleaned, I had David put Fen in the truck (NO, I AM STILL NOT COMFORTABLE LETTING HIM TRY TO JUMP UP INTO THE TRUCK) even though Fenway wanted to do it himself.  Once inside, it was fun, fun, fun.  He was thrilled, barking at people as we drove past, tail wagging, and I even let him hang his head out the window a bit.

We stopped at the store, and he barked at everyone.  Went to another store, and again barked at everyone (perhaps he just wanted everyone to know he was there?) And then we went to see his auntie.  First time since his surgery, he saw my sister, and he didnt let us down.  Hopping all around the truck, and even shoving sissy out of the way, just to get more attention.

He was a rockstar!!   Then he fell asleep in the back 🙂

Got him home, and true to form, he tried to jump out all on his own (but again, I didnt allow that, Daddy picked him up and placed him down).   Either way, he did it.  His first ride, since surgery, that didnt include a stop at the vet !!!!!!  He was soooo very happy.

Fenway napped for about an hour after our trip.

Then again, I went out for a drive, to the grocery store, and when I arrived home….yup, he ran to greet my car.  The best feeling in the world watching my tripawd guy running to meet me tail held high, ears flapping, fur flying, and smiling all the way to me!!


I slept like a baby last night knowing he had a fantastic day!  Day 19 was just fabulous.

Golden kisses, and hugs to everyone.

Fenway and Mama Sue


OK, Day 18, and we are all ok.

snoozing with sissy . Life is good.

so, I promise from here on out, that I will wear my glasses, while typing at night.  (sorry, got out of work, and I hadnt been on here, so I thought I would send out a quick update) . oops.

Today really is day 18, and still no side effects from chemotherapy.  He is acting pretty normal.  Still eating and drinking like before the surgery and chemo.  He still isn’t interested in playing with his sister (I think he is afraid she will knock him over, or hurt him) but he does play a little with Mama and Daddy, so the “old” Fen is in there. Unfortunately, Macy likes to play rough,  he just is not ready for that.   (and believe me, she plays VERY ROUGH)  .

He has been outside a lot lately. He seems to be happiest when out there.  He loves to wander around, sniffing, growling, barking, and watching.  Watching the squirrells is his favorite thing .   He even chased the neighbors dog last night.   Life is pretty good.

Check back in tomorrow or Monday.   Have a beautiful weekend everyone.


Fenway and Mama Sue

18 days, and all is well!!

having a snack in the front yard with Macy

15 days since surgery, and 2 days after his first chemotherapy, and he is a rockstar!!!


he is amazing me everyday!!!   Weds (the day after his chemo) he seemed a bit antsy, or over active.  So much so that I called the doctor.  But, a few hours later, he settled right in.  So far, no side effects, no problems.  His appetite is great, bowel movements are still good, and no stomach issues detected.   Yay!!!!


Today I let him venture outside on his own (of course, I was watching his every move from the windows) he was just as he used to be.  Sniffed around, moved around, and chose a spot in the shade to nap.   When that nap was over, he moved across the lawn, to watch the bird bath….all was good.   A few minutres, he came back to the front yard, and chilled out.  He is my “old” fenway, with his “new” lifestyle!!!!

Its time for bed….Fenway is snoring (literally) !


Happy dreams, and love to you all


Xoxoxo Fenway, and Mama Sue