Day 10, Post-op….All is well!!!

As I type, Fenway sleeps..
He is doing really well.  His endurance has increased dramatically.  He can venture out of the downstairs, all the way up the yard, and into the garage without stopping.  Once there, he rests, but usually for just a few moments.  Huge improvement from just last week.
As I have said before, his appetite is great, and his zest for life is evident.  I know he will be playing with his sister very soon. Until then, we monitor his movements, and guide him as best we can, without hindering his progress.

Tuesday he starts chemo.  And also gets his staples out.
Because of the slipping and sliding at the vet on weds, we ordered the PAWZ booties.  And yes, I expedited the shipping.  I can not endure another trip to the vet, like this past week.  I dont think I took a breath for 20 minutes.   And I NEVER want to see Fen struggle to keep his feet underneath him again.

Also, his Ruffwear harness will be on from now on.  I had not put it on him before, because (somewhere) I read that it shouldnt be worn before the staples are out.  It will be going on tonight, and staples will have to deal !!!

Mom needs a little nap.  Fen and Macy are already snoring.  I shall join in.

Thank you everyone, for all of your help.
Xoxo Fenway, and Mama Sue

Day 8, The bandages are off !!!!!!

Its 1:55 pm, eastern standard time, and all is well.  In fact Fenway is asleep at my feet, and his bandages are off.

I am not going to lie, I had severe anxiety at the thought of what his wound would look like…..And I can tell you, it looks great.

The bruising has almost vanished.   The swelling has gone down dramatically.  And his hair is growing back slowly.

The trip to the vet was pretty uneventful.  But once we got there, the stress started.  Stress for Mom, not Fen.

He hopped out of the truck, and proceeded up the 8 steps and right through the automatic doors. (doesnt he know he isnt supposed to do the stairs???? ) Then, he realized where he was, and turned around and tried to leave!! (truth be told, he is NOT a fan of the vets)  With the help of my friends, we turned him around.  Thats when I realized there were no mats on the ground.  None.  All tile, and a long way to go.  OMG.  How did I forget that ?  How did I forget to bring his mats to put down?

As usual Fenway handled it like a champ.  He hopped right in, sat down for a bit, and then hopped into the exam room.
He was cool as a cucumber.  The doc cut his bandages off, and everything looks good. 🙂
We made it home safely, and asI type, he snores.  No stress for him.

Day 8, and its all good!!!!


Happy  wednesday everyone,

xoxoxo Fenway, and Mommy Sue

1 week Ampuversary! We made it 7 days !

daddy carrying me to my bedroom. Good daddy.

Day 7 brings us to sept 11, 2012.  A sad say for many. A day of rememberance of the terror attacks on the USA.  But for us, this day is a celebration.

If not for the bandages, and the missing leg, I wouldnt even know there was anything different.

He is back to pooping on a regular basis, and he is back to his very happy self. His appetite is great, and the wound looks good.
He is happy, silly, bright eyed, and bushy tailed.  He is growling at the noises outside, and when the doorbell rang (his new ruffwear harness arrived) he jumped to his feet, and went to the door to greet Mr. Fedex. (just like he did before the surgery)

The only problem we have now, is a small wound developing on his elbow.  And we have figured out a way to pad it for now.  ( we cut a piece of memory foam pad, off an old dog bed, wrapped it in gauze, and wrapped sticky gauze around it to keep it in place)  Voila, a perfect bendable, moveable cushion.  It works for now.  We will make a better one later.

Tomorrow is his first vet visit, post-op.   I am a little nervous about getting him into the vehicle, but we will figure it out.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Fenway says be happy, be safe.


Xoxo Mommy Sue and Fenway

Day 6, is a very sleepy day.

After our no pooping post from yesterday, we have moved onto a sleepy day.

BTW, he did finally poop, 2 times, late last night. 🙂

Now today, he seems tired.  I am ok with this, because I equate sleep to healing.

We noticed he has a small wound on his front elbow, so we have decided to wrap it with cotton bandages, and gauze, to pad it.  But tonight, I will stop at the craft store and buy some foam, and make him a “cradle” for that elbow.

Any other suggestions, are welcome, and appreciated.

Other than that, its time to go pee.  (Truth be told, HE has to go pee, I am all set )

Happy golden days to you all.


Xoxo Fenway and Mommy Sue

Oh poop…..or should I say, No poop ??!!

Its 5 days post-op, and fenway has finally hit a road block…..Or a intestine block…Yup, no poop.
He was doing so well.  Ever since he came home, he has been having regular bowel movements….Eating normal amounts, drinking normal amounts, and subsequently pooping normal amounts.  That is until yesterday.

He seems perfectly fine.  He is bright eyed, and bushy tailed otherwise, so I am NOT going to freak out.

No, I am not going to freak out.  No I am not going to freak out.  ( if I repeat this multiple times, I wont freak out) …..Ok I am freaking out!!

So, needless to say, I will be venturing to the grocery store to purchase pumkpin puree.

Wish us luck, or just wish us poop, either is fine.

Check back in later….

And repeat after me, I am not going to freak out.  🙂

Day 4 Post-op, Its been a good day!!

on my bed.

Day 4 started with us waking, and finding Fenway on his bed!
Yes, sometime during the night, he decided he was no longer comfortable on the carpet, and the thin bed, so he opted to get onto his regular bed.
I came down, turned on the lights, and there he was, standing up, tail wagging, and smiling.  (pretty sure he was very proud of himself)  🙂

Apparently, he likes the cushy bed better.
After breakfast, and a short walk, we returned him to his room for some rest.

Then we did it….We left him alone.  An appointment we had made weeks ago, had to be kept, so off we went.   OMG what were we thinking??!!

I was very worried, and as soon as we were done, David returned home, to find him once again, on his bed.   (I returned to work today, so I wasnt there to find him snoozing strecthed out and snoring).

He snoozed quite a bit today, but when outside, he  was a superstar. Hopping all the way up to the front yard again, where he took in all kinds of sights, sounds, and smells.  Even offering a few warning barks, just in case there were intruders ( afterall, those pesky squirrells are going buck wild without his hourly patrols),  entering the property, uninvited.

As I type this, Fenway is asleep, and his protector Macy is right next to him…

I take it back, it’s been a GREAT day.

We will check back in tomorrow.

Have a wonderful evening.

Xoxo Fenway and his Mommy Sue

Day 3, and we are tired.

standing to eat. even though I could just lay

day 3 starts with a little yawn..
Last night, Fenway ventured up to the front yard.  He took many breaks before getting there, but he did it on his own.
Once there, he chilled out, watched the birds, growled at the squirrells, and ate his favorite treat, a pear.
Then he slept.  I believe he needed a change of pace, from the confines of the downstairs family room, and his Mama staring at him all day (sorry, I cant help myself). So there, on the lawn, he took a long nap, his beloved sister, Macy, right by his side.

For dinner, we offered to feed him, while he was laying down, instead he opted to stand.  And he didn’t falter at all. 🙂
However, I believe he did too much, so we opted to carry him back to the lower lawn….He was just a bit too tired to make such a long trek after his big adventure.

He slept like a rock last night, and we even had to wake him to go out and go pee pee this morning.  But once out, he did his business, and even managed a few barks at the lawn guys.   Then he stood up, and hopped back inside.   He is resting now.  Not sleeping, resting.

So far, so good.  Not great. But good.   I will take it.

We will check back in later.

Fenway, and his Mommy Sue



Day 2 Post-op

Fenway seems good.  He has gotten up, with no assistance, 3 times today.  I cant help but wonder if this is normal? And is it too much activity for him already?
In addition, he has also, hopped/walked on his own a few times, that is until I “rescued” him,  and he sat down 🙁
I just dont know what is enough, or too much too soon.  Can anyone help??

The Day After Surgery

we are home! phew we made it!!!!

Fenway had his surgery yesterday. Yay.

The surgeon contacted us after the surgery, and told us he did really well.  No issues under anesthesia.  Hooray.

This morning we got the call from the doctor.  Fenway was doing very well, and we were told he could come home today.  Hip Hip Hooray.

On the way to the car, after a few herky, jerky steps, he started to run..It was not pretty, and I was terrified, but he ran….and then he stumbled.   We caught him, and he didnt actually hit the ground, but my heart nearly stopped.  Thank God he is ok.   I am still upset about it.  He seems unphased.  Phew
When we got home, he drank 3/4 of a bowl of water.    His appetite seems very good , however, the vet has suggested I only feed him little bits at at time.  When it was time to give him medicine (which we usually do so by hiding the pills in peanut butter)  he opened his mouth wide (like a baby bird) and just waited for whatever I gave him.  3 pills, a whole lot of p.b., and 4 biscuits later….he is resting.  He isnt sleeping,  just resting, but he is home.  Sigh.

So far so OK.  I cant say good, but its definitely not bad.   I will take it.

If  love could make him walk…..We would be out walking a mile.

I love my dogs .