6 weeks, 2 days, all is well

squirrell hunting

Here is my big guy, he spotted a squirrel.  And off he went.   His 6 week ampuversary was on Tuesday.  he is doing quite well.
Last Wednesday he had his second chemo.  (Knock wood)  he is still doing great.  He, once again, did not get tired.   He got hyper.  Up down, up down, up down, turn around, turn around again, up down, up, spin, spin, dig at my bed, up down, finally watch TV.   Sigh..

Thankfully, he is past this.  He is back to his normal self, and pretty lazy 🙂

Sleeping at my feet right now.  Snoring.

So  far so good.
Must run, I have returned to my part time job at the gym.

I smell squirrels!!!!
chased that squirrel up a tree

Have a beautiful golden Thursday everyone.


Fenway, And Mama Sue

Author: goldenmama

Im 44 years old. Live with my boyfriend of 13 years, in Southeastern Ct. I have loved goldens my whole life. My 2 dogs are sister and brother, Macy May and Fenway Frank. They are 8.5 years old, and they are my children. Fenway was diagnosed with osteosarcoma on August 1, 2012..Since then, I feel like I have been on a roller coaster ride....His amputation surgery is scheduled for Tues Sept 4, 2012. This is our story